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International Folk Music Pease Movement

International Folk Music Peace Movement Organization (IFMPMO)
President of International Folk Music Peace Movement Organization, 
Prof. Emeritus Dr. YAMAMURA Etsuo

The alternating current of the goods was done at the world scale from the ancient times. At present, the alternating current of the monetary economy, too, is done at the worldwide scale.
However, as for the alternating current in the heart, the alternating current is not moving ahead as much as the goods, the monetary economy.
The heart of the people is expressed in the various fields, but alternating current in the heart is closed from the linguistic understanding and acquired difficulty.
The folk music is the music which was sung and it all people loved all this while long in the times of the difficulty and the pleasure, and in cases of the birth, the wedding and the death. The folk music is all country word and any one in the world can understand.
The International Folk Music Peace Movement was started from the wining of International Peace Prize dedicated with Prof. Emeritus Dr. YAMAMURA Etsuo from the United Cultural Convention of United States of America in 2003.

投稿日: 2011/10/31 22:32:16 (JST)

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