Keisei Lines features the “Great Buddha Line”

Keisei Lines, which operates the train line that serves the Ueno Great Buddha and the Kamagaya Great Buddha, has started advertising its line as the “Great Buddha Line,” providing specially edited maps and entry coupons in the trains and on the platforms in the stations.

In addition, at Narita Airport, the train company has begun distributing special brochures, featuring the Great Buddha and the Shinsho temple in Narita as well as other Buddhist-related sights along the railroad—promoting these sights to foreign visitors as new famous tourist destinations in Japan.

The train line has also decided to produce a stamp rally during the school vacation, where people are encouraged to travel between the Ueno Great Buddha and the Kamagaya Great Buddha, using Keisei Lines.

Photo by Tomo Yun

投稿日: 2010/05/24 17:07:52 (JST)

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