The Great Buddha boom arrives in Tokyo

The Great Buddha has prompted an economic and tourist boom in Tokyo, mainly due to the reconstruction of the Ueno Great Buddha and the subsequent promotion of the “Great Buddha Line,” by Keisei Lines.

At present, there are three significant Great Buddhas in Tokyo. These are the Ueno Great Buddha (at Kanei temple, Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo), the Tokyo Great Buddha (at Jyoren temple, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo), and the Ohkura Great Buddha (at Myoho temple, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo). On the back of a rumor that appeared recently—that fortune will visit the person who makes the journey to see each one of the Tokyo Great Buddhas—the two Great Buddhas, other than Ueno, have also been crowded with many visitors everyday.

Furthermore, there is also a Great Buddha in Buttu trick Bar in Shibuya and this bar is now crowded every day.

The Great Buddha boom seems to have already been established as part of the culture of Tokyo. It is now expected to spread throughout the whole country.

Plans for a campaign entitled “Let’s go and see the Great Buddha” by JR west, are already underway and will focus on the city of Nara, which has the biggest Great Buddha in the world.

投稿日: 2010/05/24 17:29:28 (JST)

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