JAPAN:The Great Buddha boom arrives, finally, at Nara, in west Japan

The boom of the Great Buddha has arrived at Nara, partly because JR west, which was inspired by the Tokyo Great Buddha boom, introduced the “Let’s go and see the Great Buddha” campaign.

The Buddha in Nara is the world’s biggest Great Buddha when seen in a standing position and has been a dignified symbol of Nara for many years. However, due to its renewed popularity, visitors of all ages swarm around it and it is clear that the atmosphere has changed significantly.

When the world is bleak, people's hearts will tend to grope for a symbol of stability. It may well be very natural that people feel they should turn to the Great Buddha who is, in a sense, an intelligible symbol of stability.

投稿日: 2010/05/24 17:31:39 (JST)

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