JAPAN:A miniature statue of the Ueno Great Buddha becaomes popular among high school girls

A miniature of the Ueno Great Buddha (2000 yen), currently sold in front of the Ueno Great Buddha, has become a boom trend among high school girls.

The reason for this explosion in its popularity is down to a rumor, which has been spread through the Internet, that if the Great Buddha miniature is displayed in a room, wishes will be fulfilled.

A high school girl (16) from Shibuya, who has put two miniatures of the Great Buddha in her room, said “I get soothed by these statues. Even if something goes wrong, if a miniature of the Great Buddha is placed in my room, it naturally gives me the feeling that things are OK somehow.
What about my wish? Having spoken my wish out loud, I did get a boyfriend recently—maybe this is down to the Buddha? I displayed two statues because I felt that two were more powerful than just one.”

It seems that now there is such great demand for these miniatures that it is now impossible to purchase one, as the production can not keep up with the great demand.

投稿日: 2010/05/24 16:57:21 (JST)

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